I’ve mentioned it many times before on my blog but I am a chronic allergy sufferer; fall, spring, and everything in between. So much so that I even had to have Sinus Surgery in 2009 to help alleviate extreme pressure. That being said I’ve learned many tips and tricks along the way to help hide my Allergy Face. My personal allergy face consists of splotchy skin, watery eyes and a runny and red tipped nose..it’s not cute in the slightest…but today I have some tips and tricks for y’all from Zyrtec to help keep your Allergy Face at bay so you can return to being your most beautiful self.

I like to make sure I take my allergy meds in the morning as soon as I wake up so I have at least an hour for it to absorb fully through my body so that by the time I walk outside I have my allergy combat bubble in place. I like using Zyrtec because it helps with indoor and outdoor allergens…and I am pretty much allergic to everything so I need all the help I can get.

According to this graphic 81% of women think they can’t effectively cover up their allergy face and that number is a serious shocker to me! I’ve become a master of disguise while allergy season is rearing it’s ugly head. Check out these beauty tips from the folks at Zytrec to help combat your Allergy Face to help keep you looking chic at all times:
Here are some of my personal tricks of the trade:
- Skip the mascara and tight-lining if your eyes are watery
- Invest in a good waterproof concealer that stays PUT!
- Keep tissues in your makeup bag. Always. But especially during allergy seasons
- Find a good under eye rollerball to calm inflamed skin
- If all else fails distract the world with an Amazing (capital A) lip color. Suggestions for fall lip shades include plums, berries, and deliciously dark reds. Draw the attention away from your puffy eyes 🙂
What are some of your tips for combating the dreaded Allergy Face?
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